
Risk Disclaimer

Futures trading has the potential for financial risk of loss. Futures is a derivative product of an underlying index, commodity, or other asset class, derivatives are inherently leveraged by design, and leverage, in turn, magnifies gains and losses.

When trading futures, options, or other derivatives, it is possible to lose beyond your initial deposit when trading on margin, in turn, you will be responsible for any capital shortfalls that affect your account.

Refer to your brokerage agreements and contact your futures broker for more information on margin requirements and margin calls.

Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose, money that will affect your daily life or well-being, trade with only risk capital. You should not trade futures unless you fully understand the risks involved.

This journal (A81K.com) is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. The authors and owner of A81K.com are not a licensed financial advisor and does not provide financial advice.

You should consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any trading decisions to assess the suitability of futures trading in your personal portfolio.

The information in this journal is based on the author's personal experiences and observations. It is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete. Personal experiences are not typical and can be hard to quantify or verify without documented data.

You should not rely on the information in this journal for making trading decisions. You should always do your own research before making any trades.

By reading this journal, you agree that you will not hold the authors or owner liable for any losses you may incur as a result of trading futures.

Ultimately you as the trader and account owner are responsible for your own trading decisions. We don't command you to buy or sell anything, written, spoken, or implied. Just because we wrote we did a trade on our own account doesn't mean you should copy what we did.

Misinterpretation of any material in this journal is done so at your own risk. Remember when you trade your account, you deployed the capital, you executed the trade, you clicked the mouse, and your mind made the decision to do so. Nobody else.

Thus we reiterate the release of liability once more: By reading this journal, you agree that you will not hold the authors or owner liable for any losses you may incur as a result of trading futures.

(This disclaimer is subject to change and be amended at any time.)

Risk Disclaimer on Block Trades

Block trades information released quickly to subscribed members is for educational purposes only.

It is NOT advice to buy or sell or trade in any security, currency, futures contract, or any other asset class. Trading based on such information, you do so at your own risk.

Markets can become illiquid and volatile and move against positions quickly. Block trades indicate trading activity, but never direction.

By reading any portion of this newsletter, you agree to release the author(s) and owner of A81K.com from any liability resulting in personal financial losses you may incur by trading on such information.

Trading involves a financial risk of loss, in some markets such as futures, you can lose more than your account deposit. Always consult a financial advisor on the suitability of trading based on your personal financial conditions.

Disclaimer on Results

Any results posted on this site are Hypothetical results unless stated otherwise. If the results are real, they will have supporting documentation such as broker statements that hypothetical results can't generate.

Given this journal is based on reality, readers shouldn't be deluded by hypothetical results, results on demo accounts are just examples and are totally different from live results.

Demo accounts have instantaneous fills and almost no slippage, this, in turn, can deceive the trader into thinking it seems so easy, when in reality it isn't. Live trading is plagued with slippage, execution errors, data outages, internet outages, platform disconnections, meteor showers, etc. Even if you did execute a strategy live against the same strategy on a demo, your results would not be equal to that of the demo.

Results are not typical and past performance isn't indicative of future results. Just because you do good on the demo doesn't mean you'll perform the same live. Deploying real capital has a psychological toll on a trader that you don't experience in a demo.

Disclaimer amendments will be added at future dates.